San Luis Potosí
4 min read
3 years ago

The industrial zone of San Luis Potosí is the spark plug of development

San Luis Potosí

There are 520 companies in the three thousand 800 hectares in the industrial zone of San Luis Potosi that together employ 120 thousand workers.

The industrial zone of San Luis Potosí (SLP) is the economic spark plug of the state. It is estimated that approximately 30% of the entity’s gross domestic product (GDP) is generated in this sector. It is noteworthy that the automotive industry is viewed as one of the main drivers of the San Luis Potosi economy by the amount of investment that it generates and the volume of auto parts that it manufactures.

According to the Union of Users of the Industrial Zone of San Luis Potosi (UUZI), there are currently 520 established companies in the  manufacturing  sector. In a perimeter of approximately three thousand 800 hectares, that also includes the area that consists of the community of Villa de Reyes. The labor force is comprised of roughly 120 thousand workers. Fifty-five of the personnel are male, and forty-five percent are female.

Some complexes in the industrial zone of San Luis Potosi are the Del Potosí Industrial Zone, the Fundidores Industrial Park, the Interzona Industrial Park, Millennium Industrial Park 1 and 2, the Tres Naciones Industrial Park 1 and 2, the Impulso Industrial Park, World Trade Center Industrial (WTC) 1 and 2, Industrial Park Logistik 1, 2 and 3, the Pueblo Viejo Industrial Park,  the Colinas de San Luis Industrial Park, the Downtown Industrial Park, the Integrated Suppliers Industrial Park, the Arroyos Province Industrial Park and the Stainless Steel Industrial Park.

The State Economic Development Secretariat (Sedeco) points out that the SLP industry is divided into the following sectors: household appliances, auto parts, cement, iron and steel manufacturing, food processing, the sugar industry, machinery, and electrical equipment, non-ferrous metals, and bakery products.

From 2015 to 2020, at least 64 new manufacturing companies came to the San Luis Potosi. Of this number, 44 are in the automotive sector, eight are in the renewable and non-renewable energy industry, and 12 are in other sectors such as electrical appliances, metalworking, food, chemical, and the paper industry, among others.

In recent years, countries such as the United States, Germany, Japan, Canada, Spain, and Italy have contributed 90.4% of direct foreign investment in the state, mainly in manufacturing activity that takes place in the industrial zone of San Luis Potosi.

However, the SLP entity stands out for the installation of around 235 automotive companies that produce parts and two complete assembly plants: General Motors and BMW Group.  These plants have been the main push for the growth of other productive sectors in the industrial zone in San Luis Potosi.

In fact, according to figures from the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), General Motors is the leading employer of SLP since it has a workforce of close to 6,144 workers. Mabe follows it. This company is dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of household appliances and has generated 6,117 jobs as of the 4th quarter of 2020. Furthermore, Draexlmaier Components Automotive de México, with 5,288 formal jobs, produces interior systems, harnesses, electrical management systems, and plastic components for car manufacturers.

In the case of the BMW Group, since it began operations in April 2019, the San Luis Potosí plant has become a critical facility for the BMW Group’s Production Network. It manufactures the seventh generation of the iconic BMW Series. 3.

After almost three years of operation, the plant has produced more than 100,000 units that have been exported to 36 countries. In addition to the direct employment of approximately 3000 workers, it has generated about 32,000 (indirect) jobs in San Luis Potosí. As a result, it has quickly become one of the top 10 employers in the state.

Regarding the salaries paid in the industrial zone of San Luis Potosi, it is worth mentioning that no installed manufacturing company offers the general minimum wage, which is currently 123.22 pesos per day. Nevertheless, wages at the plants are well above the minimum wage. This is due to the intense competition for labor that exists.

According to data from the UUZI, in the industrial zone in San Luis Potosi, some companies pay from 270 pesos a day, and others can pay more than 450 pesos a day. The average daily wage, however, is approximately 347 pesos. This represents the hiring salary for operations positions. For administrative employees, salaries can have an upward differential of between 20 and 30% depending on the skills possessed by individual employees.


  • 55% of staff are male
  • 45% female
  • 235 automotive companies in operation
  • Two assembly plants

Manufacturing in SLP is represented in the following sectors:

  • Household appliances
  • Auto parts
  • Cement manufacturing
  • Iron and Steel
  • Food processing
  • Sugar industry
  • Machinery and electrical equipment
  • Non-ferrous metals and others


Jose Grajeda

Chief Operating Officer


Jose Grajeda

Chief Operating Officer

Maquiladora operations expert, Jose A. Grajeda, is an integral member of the Tecma Group of Companies executive management staff.